By Joan McDaniel August 14, 2019
Almost seven years ago, this article was written. My research and learning had come a long way. My health improved and I felt well managed enough to return to work. I still had a long way to go to regain my strength and repair my colon but I was feeling much stronger and thought I could return to work, part time three days a week. Thanks goodness, because I was running out of money.
I wrote this article to try to explain to my co-workers what I had found out about food. At this time I had learned a great deal but, I had a long way to go and much more to learn. This article again reflects facts as I knew them and how I got started. It states the basic principles I used in making food selections. The article is very similar to one written my the Health Ranger at Natural News who is also being censored. I added my own thoughts and experience.
At that time, I used the term Propaganda. It wasn’t until recently, I would have a deeper understanding of propaganda and censorship and how committed the other side could be. From what I thought was a small problem is now a major campaign against truth.
I don’t know why they are so afraid of us. Maybe it is because Truth travels and is easy to proof and I guess more than one person was beginning to understand how to stop the Big Propaganda Money Train — So they had to stop us — Now on with my old article. I guess, I never really understood how afraid the propagandist are of Truth and Common Sense. Now on with my old article.
Help Your Health and Stop the Big Propaganda Money Train
Seven Toxic foods, drinks, and additives to cut out from your diet for good
By Joan McDaniel August 14, 2012
Propaganda Techniques
My health is better now and I have returned to work doing 3 days a week as part time. Everyone was glad to see me and I explained to them about my recovery and its documentation on this web site. The site has been well accepted with many hits per day. At work when we had time to talk I talked to my co-workers about food and nutrition. As we were talking one day, an employee had one of those energy drinks with her. I advised her not to drink that. She looked puzzled and said, “It’s the safe one – it is Diet.”
I attempted an explanation to them the dangers of sugar free but then I later read an article from Natural News and their list of seven toxic things to avoid and one of them was sugar substitutes.
“With so much conflicting information out there about which foods are healthy and which foods are not, it can be difficult for many people to determine how best to approach a healthy lifestyle that includes eating well. But a good place to start is to avoid these seven toxic foods, beverages, and additives that are quite common in the Standard American diet (SAD).
Diet sodas and beverages sweetened with artificial chemicals. One of the more common dietary misconceptions in mainstream society today is the idea that “diet” beverages are somehow healthier than their sugar-sweetened beverages (32g in some cases). These popular artificial sweeteners are used in diet sodas, juices, chewing gums, and other foods.
Not only are artificial sweeteners bad for your health, but they also tend to promote obesity ( If you want to protect yourself against chronic illness and toxicity — aspartame literally converts to formaldehyde in the body and causes metabolic acidosis (acid pH)— it is best to stick with either raw sugars or natural sugar substitutes like pure stevia extract or just plain water.”
I found a website that lists over 92 different aspartame-related symptoms compiled by the FDA from 10,000 consumer complaints.
Aspartame Side Effects from the FDA
Aspartame Symptoms chart
The Real Food Channel
Food can kill – or heal. Info to help you choose wisely.
In spite of the poisonous effects of diet sodas, many people continue to drink them daily.
Research shows that not only do diets sodas contribute to disease, they actually trick your
brain and contribute to weight gain.
Video (4:12):
Can diet soda make you fat?
10 subscribers
ABC News: Can Diet Soda Make You Fat?
2.1K subscribers
Aspartame – It puts the DIE in Diet Soda + 6,000 other products
FDA Approved Artificial sweeteners
Aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal) which is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Discovered in 1965 approved by FDA 1980.
Saccharin (Sweet’N Low, Sweet Twin, and Necta Sweet,) which is 200 to 700 times sweeter than sugar. Discovered 1879 was the first artificial sweetener.
Sucralose (splenda,) which is 600 times sweeter than sugar.
Acesulfame-K (Sunett and Sweet One,) which is 200 times sweeter than sugar.
Neotame, which is 7,000 to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar.
Saccharin was the first discovered in 1879.
These FDA approvals are based on a majority of test performed by at least 70 to 80% by the manufacture themselves. Studies of a few courageous independent scientist and former FDA, CDC and other toxicologist, have been ignored or pushed into the lower desk drawer.
The ingredients of VitaminWater 10 (owned by Coca Cola) contains the natural sweetener Stevia
Plus crystalline fructose, sucrose , and a mysterious product called Erythritol. Erythritol has been approved by the FDA and is a sugar alcohol which is a part of Stevia but not the whole natural plant. Erythritol does provide fewer calories than sugar but is an unknown ingredient when used without the rest of the natural plant. It has been claimed by Dr. Mercola and others that it can lead to abdominal gas and diarrhea.
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the silent killer. It is not really much of a secret
anymore that HFCS, despite all the corn industry shilling, is a toxic sweetener that should be avoided ( Since it is linked to obesity, brain damage, low IQ, and even mercury poisoning, avoiding all foods that contain HFCS — this can include breads, cereals, and other seemingly innocuous foods — will do wonders for your health.
You would be better off using the Stevia Sweetener which is made from the whole plant
Also note the product
Truvia is the mysterious product called Erythritol not the whole leaf.
Most vegetable oils, including hydrogenated and ‘trans’ fat varieties including Canola Oil
The misdirected war on saturated fats has convinced millions of people that unsaturated vegetable oils are a healthy alternative. Not only do many vegetables oils turn rancid quickly, which means they are toxic (, but many of them also contain high levels of omega-6 fatty acids which, apart from omega-3 fatty acids, can cause severe health problems like heart disease and cancer. (
Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) Many vegetable oils are also derived from genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), including canola, soy, and corn oils. These same oils are often hydrogenated as well, a process that turns them into heart-destroying solid oils. Avoiding these and sticking instead to healthy fats like grass-fed butter, coconut oil, olive oil, and hemp oil will greatly improve your health and lower your risk of disease.
White bread, pasta, and other refined flour foods. They are cheap, plentiful, and
come in hundreds of varieties. But white breads, pastas, and other foods made from refined flour are among the top health destroyers in America today. Not only are most white flour products carcinogenic because they are bleached and bromated, but they also lack vital nutrients that are stripped away during processing. Avoid them, and all processed wheat products if possible, to optimize your health.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG), carrageenan. Often hidden in foods under deceptive names (, MSG is a pervasive salt chemical you will want to avoid that is linked to causing headaches, heart problems, brain damage, and other problems. Carrageenan, another chemical additive often hidden in “natural” and organic foods like nut milks and lunch meats, is similarly worth avoiding, as it can cause gastrointestinal upset and colon cancer. (
Processed Salt. Referred on the nutrition labell as Sodium. Many processed food add major amounts of sodium to their products but processed salt lacks the trace minerals normally present in sea and earth salts, which means it ends up robbing your body of these vital nutrients. These trace nutrient are necessary for the body to fight off disease. ( Diseases like Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, hypothyroid and stroke due to lack of Iodine and other trace minerals are just a few of the many conditions that can result from refined salt intake, so your best bet is to stick with unrefined sea salts and other full-spectrum salts. I have recommended Himalayan Sea Salt as a replacement.
Till Next Time